The faded logo on the left is the one logo I had been going with, but then came up with a better solution that is in full view. Just the smallest tweaks to a logo can make a huge difference. "God is in the details" ~Bob Winward (love that guy.)
Now that we had the logo set in place, we could start running. I needed to come up with a graphic element(s) we could use to beautify and really nail in the brand. My client said "If I see one more leaf, tree, or branch, I will puke." (or something to that effect!) This forced me to do some major research. What on earth symbolizes natural health that isn't a leaf or a tree?? After a lot of research and thinking, I thought. "Bare essentials. This company is all about the bare essentials, natural healing...CELLS." Cells is what I ran with. I was inspired from some beautiful artwork I discovered as I was researching more on cells, and brainstorming ideas of how I could me a cell beautiful. This is what I came up with... (just a sneak peak of the website heading... I can't reveal that until it is live. I know, the anticipation is killing you! She absolutely loves what I've come up with, and I think you will be pleased as well. Just hold your horses for a few weeks)
I decided to have fun with this presentation, I really love my client. We get along great, laugh a lot, and I knew she had a good sense of humor. So before I even showed her the logo concepts (after I shared them the mission statement I developed for them), I said "We want to get excited about this new brand. People are going to be excited to support this company, much like this guy right here..." Then I showed them this image....:
This was a FANTASTIC ice breaker. She was extremely nervous. This helped tip toe into my presentation, and get her relaxed because this picture is pretty hilarious. After I showed them the logos, and they decided upon the one I showed you, I then said "This is great, now that we have this going, anyone can proudly support and show off your company, from business men, to babies..."